Angel City, Free Chapter 1

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Angel City 
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In the mid-1970s, after reading a newspaper article about the plight of migrant workers in south Florida, Patrick Smith found an issue that would absorb his spare time for several years. The newspaper told about a migrant crew chief who had enslaved his workers for more than two years, who wouldn’t pay them or let them out of the camp, and who beat them regularly. The police finally arrested the crew chief and took him to court, but had to release him when none of the workers, all of whom were scared of him, would testify against him.

Patrick Smith’s resulting novel is Angel City.We don’t expect you to take our word for it. We’re going to let you read the entire firstchapter FREE so you can decide for yourself. If you don’t agree then you have lost nothing. However, most people say they are hooked after the first page, and we’re betting you will be too.

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