Life In Florida Now And Back Then

Sometimes we forget how good we have it. At least, I do. If you have read books like A Land Remembered, you realize how hard life was for the early settlers. It’s romantic to think you’d like to live in that rugged time, but to them, it wasn’t romantic. It was just hard. Let’s take a look back . . .

Early Florida settlers’ lives vastly differed from life in Florida today. In the early days of European settlement, Florida was a wild and untamed land with few amenities and many challenges. Here are some key differences between the hard life of early Florida settlers and life in Florida today:


Climate and Environment: Early Florida settlers had to endure a hot and humid climate that was challenging to work in, especially for those who were not used to it. They also had to contend with dangerous wildlife, such as alligators and snakes, and diseases like malaria and yellow fever.  Oh, and let’s not forget about mosquitos, yellow flies, no-see-ums, red bugs, deer flies, horse flies, and other biting insects. No, they didn’t have insect spray. Today, air conditioning and modern medicine make life in Florida much more comfortable and safer.

Access to Resources: Early settlers had to rely on hunting, fishing, and agriculture to survive, as there were few stores or markets to buy goods from. Today, Floridians have access to a wide variety of food and other resources, thanks to modern transportation and infrastructure.

Technology and Communication: Early settlers had no access to modern technology, such as electricity, phones, or the internet. Communication was slow and difficult, and news and information could take weeks or even months to travel across the state. Today, Floridians have access to high-speed internet, cell phones, and other modern technologies that make communication and daily life much easier.

Infrastructure: Early settlers had to build their own homes, roads, and other infrastructure from scratch. They didn’t have Home Depot or Loews. If they needed lumber they most likely had to cut down the trees, clear the land, and mill the lumber themselves. Can you imagine? Today, Florida has a robust infrastructure system, including highways, airports, and public transportation, and plenty of houses and condos readily available, which makes travel and commerce much easier.

Let’s be honest: while living in Florida today still has its challenges, it is much easier and more comfortable than the hard life of early Florida settlers. Modern technology, infrastructure, and access to resources make life in Florida today vastly different from what it was like in the past. Let’s all enjoy our modern comforts and appreciate them.


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