A Land Remembered

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A Land Remembered should be required reading for anyone living in the beautiful State of Florida.  ~Ron Curtis

A Land Remembered opens in 1968 with the rich but despondent Solomon MacIvey as he cruises along Biscayne Bay in his silver Rolls Royce, then jumps back in time to 1858, when his grandfather, Tobias MacIvey, arrives in the Florida wilderness to start a new life with his wife and infant son. The sweeping story that emerges over the span of the next 114 years is a rich, rugged Florida history featuring a memorable cast of crusty, indomitable Crackers battling wild animals, rustlers, Confederate deserters, mosquitoes, starvation, hurricanes, and freezes to carve a kingdom out of a swamp. They survive and prosper but at a high cost.

Here’s how they started their humble trek into the Florida wilderness in 1858:

Tobias MacIvey was thirty years old and had been in the Florida scrub for five years. He had come south out A Land Rememberedof Georgia in 1858. In his horse-drawn wagon there was a sack of corn and a sack of sweet potatoes, a few packets of seeds, a shotgun and a few shells, a frying pan, several pewter dishes, forks, and a cast-iron pot. There were also the tools he would need to clear the land and build a house: two chopping axes, a broadaxe foot adz, crosscut saw, auger bit, a fro and drawing knife.

His wife Emma, five years younger than he, held the baby as gently as possible as the wagon bounced over an old Indian trail that skirted to the east of the Okefenokee Swamp and then turned due south. Tobias had owned forty acres of red Georgia clay which he tried to farm and failed. When he sold the cabin and land he had enough money to buy only what was in the wagon.

When they crossed into Florida and reached Fernandina, Tobias traded his horses for a pair of oxen which Zech named Tuck and Buck. Included in the trade was a guinea cow, a strange-looking little Spanish animal with a small body that stood only one foot from the ground. But she had a huge udder and would provide milk for all of them.

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Tobias, his wife Emma, and their son Zechariah as they navigate the untamed landscapes of 19th-century Florida. A captivating tale unfolds, chronicling three generations of a pioneering family and illustrating the indomitable spirit of American pioneers who thrived amidst adversity.

In the heart of the Florida wilderness, the resilience of the characters mirrors the tenacity of those who shaped the region’s history, offering a profound glimpse into survival and prosperity in an often harsh environment. Today, echoes of this legacy persist in the stories passed down by grandparents who experienced these trials firsthand, creating a bridge between past and present.

Whether you’re a Florida native, a recent transplant to the state, a history enthusiast, or simply seeking an unforgettable literary experience, “A Land Remembered” awaits. Don’t hesitate; immerse yourself in this compelling narrative that transcends time. Secure your copy of “A Land Remembered” now, and delve into a rich tapestry of courage, perseverance, and the enduring spirit of the American frontier.

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You can also read A Land Remembered on Kindle and NOOK. Get the audio version of A Land Remembered on Amazon.

Every Floridian should read A Land Remembered. I am a native Floridian and this book as well as all Patrick’s other books have touched me and my family. To see the way we have destroyed our state and all its special places is gut wrenching. At least there is someone who has brought back to life in print everything that made this a paradise of wildlife and nature. Our copy of A Land Remembered has been read so much the pages are falling out. Thank you for remembering!
~ Bill Elliott, Haines City, FL

Looking for the audio version? You can get it through Amazon.

Student Edition of A Land Remembered

A Land Remembered is available in specially edited student volumes in both hardbound and softbound editions. These are very popular among younger readers and many schools use them to teach about Florida history. There are also very handy teaching guides available for elementary and middle schools. Get the youngsters in your life out from the TV or the video game and let them learn the joy of reading with A Land Remembered.  Read more about the student editions and teaching guides by clicking here.
A Land Remembered Testimonials Following are some reviews and descriptions of A Land Remembered by many people of all ages and backgrounds. This is a long page, so just keep scrolling down.

This is the novel for which its author, Patrick Smith, is probably best known. A Land Remembered vividly demonstrates his keen and penetrating eye as a gifted observer of the human condition. Not a word is wasted in what many believe is the definitive story of Florida’s emergence into modern-day history. – Warren Resen, Writer in West Palm Beach, FL

Patrick Smith’s sad and curious chronicle of Florida’s last century begins in 1858, when Tobias and Emma MacIvey and their son, Zechariah, abandoned 40 acres of played-out Georgia clay and headed for the wilds of Florida, where they settled in the vicinity of present-day Gainesville and commenced farming. Before 100 pages have passed, the MacIveys endure the pangs of hunger, a plague of mosquitoes, a ravaging band of Confederate Army deserters, and a nocturnal visit from a bear that eats all the meat from their smokehouse. Rattlesnakes, wild boars, and alligators are their neighbors in this desolate country; so far from civilization, there is just one law, and that is Murphy’s.

Despite adversity, the MacIveys managed to build a considerable kingdom out of ranching and orange groves over the next half-century. Mr. Smith’s little band all but invent pluck, thrift, and human kindness. When mosquitoes destroy a herd of cattle, the MacIveys dust themselves off and start over. When two-fisted varmints burn their cabin, they move south to a new homestead. Freezes, tick fever, hurricanes – all these things and more they endure somehow, with time left over to make friends and keep up good relations with the Indians down in the swamp. Much more happens to three generations of MacIveys than ever could have happened to a genuine Florida family; they are the prototypical settlers, the personification of frontier life.

Mr. Smith is not much interested in the peculiarities of character, and as a consequence, his tale is short on the sort of human conflict that occupies most novels. In its stead, however, is the elemental struggle of man and nature. Zech MacIvey builds upon what his father, Tobias began, and as he builds, he changes. In his grandson’s words, Tobias “never owned so much as a grain of sand. He was a squatter. He believed that no man can own the land.” Zech, on the other hand, not only buys and fences what he farms but dabbles in the sort of land speculation that his son, Sol, will use to make a fortune during the real estate boom of the 1920s.

Each generation learns from the one before, but for each in its turn, life’s inevitabilities and necessities are different. Sol MacIvey, the last – and by his own account the least – of his line, is no less concerned with combat and survival than were his father and his grandfather; but he has forgotten what they fought for, and he uses their skills with a feckless resolve in a lifetime spent affixing the MacIvey name to countless hotels, banks and property deeds, thereby effecting the final and irreversible transformation of a wilderness of wolves, panthers and wild parakeets to one of high-rise condominiums, drained swamps and polluted bays. This is a success story gone curiously sour.

By the end of A Land Remembered, it is hard not to like the MacIveys for their winning ways; but at the same time it is impossible not to see how their industry, which was once a boon, has managed to implicate them – and thousands like them – in an environmental disaster so vast that it affects virtually an entire state. Thus does this novel distinguish itself from mere off-the-rack generational sagas, for while we come to its elegiac story knowing the sad ending, we have to finish it in order to comprehend how such good people could perpetrate so much sorriness. – Malcolm Jones, book editor of The St. Petersburg Times in St. Petersburg, FL

My family just loves this book. Being 5th generation Floridians, we can embrace the characters, way of life, and its locations. The characters are particularly endearing and really draw you into the story, making this book hard to put down, and a little sad when you finally finish.

I particularly love how the book goes through three generations of the McIvey clan. It is hard to decide which character is your favorite. Even the animals have a special place in your heart while reading it. I think this book should be required reading in all Florida history classes around the state. Although it is a work of fiction, there is much truth in the words and it is rich in history. It is a great way to learn about a time past with this great read. This book is one I have read many times over and over and will continue to cherish for years to come.- pasogirlz, Miami, FL

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading A Land Remembered. My ancestors (Mom’s side) came to Florida around the turn of the century, and I have heard many of the kinds of “tales” told in the book all my life. But Mr. Smith brought everything to life through this incredible, absorbing story. I STILL think of the characters now and then. Kinda “wonder what they are doing!!” 🙂 Thanks for making my ancestral history take on flesh and bones!!! I am an amateur genealogist, and I LOVE to find books that paint this kind of picture for me. – Patti Jones Schacht

I just finished reading Patrick’s book, A Land Remembered that was given to me on my birthday last week. I have laughed and cried as I read the sweeping story and have to honestly say it is probably one of the best books I have read in years. I would have never thought that a story about pioneers would have interested me but I was sucked in after reading the very first chapter. I loved the characters and I loved reading about my great state (I was just in Punta Rassa last month). I would just like to say to Mr. Smith – “Thank you for writing and sharing such a heartwarming story that can be passed on for generations to come.”Mona Jackson, Lakeland, FL

A Land Remembered ORDER YOUR COPY NOW!

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You can also read A Land Remembered on Kindle and NOOK. Get the audio version of A Land Remembered on Amazon.


Sometime in 2002, someone advised me to read A Land Remembered since my heritage is deeply rooted in Florida. I was spellbound. My mother was born on Merritt Island in 1911, I find it ironic that is where your father lives now. Both of my parents were born in Florida in 1911. My parental grandfather was considered one of the major founders in Miami, as he paved the first streets on Miami Beach. Times and things have changed so much over the century.

My mother in 2003 was 91 and of good mind. She was living in an assisted living in Alabama close to my brother. He called to tell me she wasn’t feeling well, so I got in my car and decided to drive there. I truly wasn’t expecting anything more than a hospital stay. When I arrived, I learned she had had a serious heart attack. When I entered the room she was in good spirits and telling jokes. After my brother left to go home, because he had been there all night, I was there alone with my Moma. I was extremely tired after driving all night but felt I needed to converse with my mother until she fell asleep. I told her about your Dad’s book, and I had brought it along to read to her.

I started reading the first chapter, where MacIvey was going to see Toby Cypress before he died. As I was reading, she often remarked I remember that. Solomon MacIvey was the male version of my mother. As I was reading the final paragraphs of the first chapter, my mother had another heart attack and died. It was almost as if she was waiting for me to get there and then by reading that first chapter and that MacIvey was saying his final goodbyes, it was okay for her to pass on. Maybe I am reading too much into it because it was quite difficult to see her pass on. But it made an indelible mark in my heart. – Jill McGahey, Tuminello, FL

I have recommended this book to dozens of my friends and everyone said it was the best book they have read. I have read it four times and probably will do so again. My husband’s grandfather lived close to the life pictured in the book because he arrived in Florida (Narcoosee) in the late 1800’s. I cannot imagine why this book has not been made into a movie! Thanks for the joy it brings me. – Marilyn Tuppen

I don’t write fan mail…this is a first. After praising A Land Remembered to my grandson and best friend I purchased copies for them since I’ve found that it’s easier just to gift them instead of loaning out my own and then having to replace it when it never finds its way home. Tropical Storm Hannah hit our coast a few weeks ago and we lost our electricity for a couple of days. While the rain poured outside my husband and I read by lantern light in different corners of our living room as we reread (for the umpteenth time) our own copies of A Land Remembered. It was a delightful journey. Many Thanks! – Joyce Equi

I just had to write and tell you how much I LOVED reading A Land Remembered! Honestly, I would have never even known about it, or been interested, had it not been for my son, who is in 4th grade. They are reading the student version in class. He is a HUGE history lover and we went to the library, he looked up the book for me and MADE ME CHECK IT OUT. It’s been so fun discussing it with him. I just finished, and he’s asleep. Darn it, we’ll have to discuss it tomorrow.

What a wonderful, educational book. I’m telling everyone to read it. I don’t even like history, and I loved it. Thanks for a great read. It was so sad, too! All Florida kids should read this book. I’m so glad my son loved history and made me read it. – Susan Serra, Largo, FL

You might think that Patrick D. Smith IS Sol MacIvey reincarnated in this tale of Old Florida. How else can you explain his vivid, captivating description of life in early Florida? I am a native Floridian and when I grab my cherished pictures and family mementos to evacuate for a hurricane, you can bet my copies of ALR will be with me! This book is a timeless treasure and not a one-time read.

I had read this book several times and when it became assigned reading for my daughter, we each grabbed a copy and read it ‘together’. During each of the pivotal points in the lives of the MacIveys, we would make eye contact and either smile or wipe away tears. No words were exchanged because the book is filled with emotion and you really ‘feel’ the characters as real people with real pain and sorrow.

This book should be required reading as you cross the state line into Florida. It is truly a rite of passage for Floridians and anyone who loves history. We are blessed to have this account of pioneer life in wild Florida. If I could sit around a campfire and listen to stories told by anyone…..it would be Patrick D. Smith.

I wanted to share with you bookworms that this is one of my entire family’s favorites. All I can say is that you will laugh, you will cry, you will love this book. The writing is so vivid it carries you back in time to a place in Florida that is still untouched and raw. Almost every member of our family has read it more than once. A great read, especially for native Floridians. – Lori Ford

If you live in Florida, you have to love a book that tells the right and wrong way to capture a gator or how to build a home from scratch in the wilderness. Patrick Smith’s A Land Remembered does that and more.

It traces the struggles and triumphs of three generations of the MacIvey clan who settled in North Central Florida on the eve of the Civil War. We follow Tobias and Emma as they eke out a hardscrabble existence and raise their son, Zech, to learn by trial and error the lessons nature teaches. The family lives first in a palmetto lean-to in the scrub until Tobias can finish their cypress-shingled cabin. They fight a hostile environment as well as natural predators, fending off bear attacks, panthers, and wolves. Trapping small game, they survive on a diet of raccoon, squirrel, and the occasional wild hog, supplemented by swamp cabbage and poke greens. The women make flour from cattails and “koonti” roots. Emma wishes only for a Dutch oven, not ribbons or a new dress.

Tobias is recruited to drive wild cattle to the Georgia border to feed Confederate troops. On the drive he learns to wield a rawhide whip, making it crack to guide the herd. The whip also serves as a tool for killing snakes, catching game, and communication: one snap means dinner, and two cracks mean danger. From the pioneers’ skillful use of this whip comes our word for the Florida “cracker.” After their cabin in the scrub is burned by rebel deserters, Tobias moves his family south to a hammock along the banks of the Kissimmee River, 50 miles from the nearest trading post, where they become ranchers.

With their marshtackie – a small Seminole stallion – and two gray wolf dogs, the MacIveys succeed in herding the wild “yellowhammer” cattle and drive them across the state to the ports of Tampa and Punta Rassa for shipment to Cuba. As their savings grow, they plant citrus and accumulate large tracts of land. Historical events like the Great Freeze of 1895 and the deadly hurricane of 1928 form the backdrop as the MacIveys and their descendants struggle for survival. They face drought, floods, plagues of mosquitoes, and murdering cattle rustlers. Despite the harshness of nature, they are enchanted by its beauty – by red-orange sunsets illuminating the forests, and egrets and herons gliding above the flowing Pay-hay-okee, the River of Grass.

The early MacIveys are honorable, heroic, and self-sacrificing. Although the closeness between friends and partners is idealized, perhaps such sentiment is justified where survival depends on strong partnerships. Innocence is lost, however, when the MacIvey heirs sever their connection with the land, fencing it off, clear cutting and paving. Smith’s message proclaims that the beloved land of wild parakeets and pristine streams has become the victim of greed. It can now only be “remembered” for its rare beauty.

In a recent interview, Smith talked about gathering material for the novel by listening to stories from fourth- and fifth-generation descendants of pioneers who settled here. He also spent a year with the Seminoles and was taken by their belief in the sacredness of the land. His characters are symbolic of those pioneer settlers – strong men who fought the elements and strong women who were their partners, holding the family and homestead together.

The importance of preserving the land is a central theme. When Smith wrote the book in 1984, he was worried that Old Florida would disappear if the massive development continued. He is cautiously optimistic about recent efforts of local and state governments to purchase lands for preservation. A Land Remembered has been honored as the winner of the Tebeau Prize for the most outstanding Florida historical novel and has been the reading selection for the One Community/One Book program in many counties. For lovers of nature, hunting, and “Old Florida” history, this book is a must-read. – Lynne Boele, retired professor of English and humanities at Central Florida Community College.

Click here to see what younger readers have to say about A Land Remembered.


$22.95 (Hardbound)  Add-To-Cart $16.95 (Softbound) Add-To-Cart

You can also read A Land Remembered on Kindle and NOOK. Get the audio version of A Land Remembered on Amazon.


  1. Reply

    A Land Remembered is one of the best books i have ever read and i didn’t know that Florida was wild back then. it also was a fantastic story.

  2. Reply

    The book was great, I mean ………………………………………………..

      • RickSmith
      • January 20, 2020

      I’m glad you enjoyed it and shared this.


      • Defache
      • November 30, 2022

      Hello, is there any chance that i find this book in french ?

        • RickSmith
        • December 17, 2022

        Unfortunately, it hasn’t been translated into French to my knowledge.

  3. Reply

    It was great.

      • RickSmith
      • April 30, 2015

      I am glad you enjoyed it!

    • chris engle
    • October 15, 2015

    would you please send me the link so I can watch Patrick Smith recall his youthful trip around Florida back in the 30’s when it was still pristine and unspoiled. I loved his book, one of my alltime favorites.

    • chris engle
    • October 15, 2015

    please send the link to enable me to watch the video of Patrick Smith narrating his trip around Florida when he was a youngster. It was delightful to see Florida when it was unspoiled and pristine.

    I loved his book, and have read it several times. I live in Rockledge FL and he lived on Merritt Island.
    I wish I could have met him in person. thank you

      • RickSmith
      • October 15, 2015

      Hi Chris,

      I emailed you the link to that page. For anyone else, you can sign up to view it at https://alandremembered.com/sense_of_place/

      Would like to know your thoughts after you watch it.

      Rick (Patrick, Jr.)

    • william warden
    • January 17, 2018

    I just finished reading “A Land Remembered” after it was recommended to me by Dr. Bill Broussard and his wife, Margaret, at the Allen Broussard Forever Florida Conservancy. This is an outstanding work of historical fiction, and those who have not yet discovered it have a treasure awaiting them! I think it would make an excellent motion picture or series, and that a lot of it could be filmed at Forever Florida.

    Thank you for your consideration of my remarks.

    Wm. S. Warden

      • RickSmith
      • January 18, 2018

      William, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on A Land Remembered. Many people have agreed with you about A Land Remembered being made into a movie and I am sure it will happen one day. Forever Florida is one of the gems of Florida.


    • Elizabeth Bell
    • March 22, 2018

    Thank you for a terrific presentation tonight in New Smyrna Beach. We enjoyed it very much.

      • RickSmith
      • March 23, 2018

      Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was a great crowd and a beautiful venue. Rick

  4. Reply

    This book is so much interesting and I really loved the journey of Tobias in particular, thanks for sharing

    • Christina Rudland
    • August 3, 2018

    I was born and raised in Fort Myers. I know Punta Rassa very well. Shoot, I know Florida very well. This book brought on emotions and connections of my love for Florida. I just want to say “thank you.”

    • Jeremy
    • February 10, 2019

    I finally read this book at 37 years old. I’m a 5th generation Floridian with my family coming from the Cocoa area. I am very proud of my heritage and this book reassured me of that. Thank you

      • RickSmith
      • February 12, 2019

      I’m so glad you discovered and enjoyed the book.

    • Jill
    • February 27, 2019

    I’ve read the book several times and I used it in my classroom as a class read with all the teacher material. I think I did it 3 yrs in a row. Anyway, I live on a well field in Florida and I take people riding back there all the time and then I talk about A Land Remembered. Many of my friends read it but many have tried to find it for their kindle. Will their ever be a kindle version?

      • RickSmith
      • February 28, 2019

      Hi Jill,

      What a great thing you’re doing, showing people around old Florida.

      The book IS on Kindle, however since the switch to a new publisher, they have the wrong cover showing up when you search for it. Here is the direct link. https://amzn.to/2HbUibL The cover says it’s a student guide but it is actually the book.

      Thanks for letting me know. I will bug them again to correct this.


    • Mimi Minnick
    • January 7, 2020

    I am coordinator for two small libraries in gulf County – the florida panhandle. Please contact me about a speaking tour engagement – we have a generous friends organization and a dedicated following for our programming about Florida’s natural and cultural history.

    Mimi Minnick

      • RickSmith
      • January 9, 2020

      Hi Mimi,

      I sent you an email regarding your request. Please let me know if you didn’t receive it. We do have some dates available when we’ll be in the Panhandle in March.


    • Terri Abstein
    • January 7, 2020

    My all time favorite book!

      • RickSmith
      • January 17, 2020


      I’m glad you enjoy it so much. Rick

    • MaryBeth Croome
    • January 17, 2020

    How can I sign up for the talk on February 14 on Anna Maria Island?

      • RickSmith
      • January 20, 2020

      Hi MaryBeth,

      The best thing to do is to give them a call at (941)778-0492. It is a luncheon and that will be $20.


        • Ann Dillon
        • May 5, 2023

        Loved this book! It could have been a replay of my grandfathers life except for the acquiring wealth part. He told us stories that were so similar. I grew up in the Ft. Myers area….when it was a small town. A great story!!!

          • RickSmith
          • January 15, 2024

          I realized that I got behind in replying to my comments. I’m glad you enjoyed the book and thanks for sharing. Rick

    • Eric Haglund
    • February 20, 2020

    I’m a new settler to Florida and this book was recommended. I thoroughly enjoyed it; couldn’t put it down! Although it’s fiction, I kept trying to follow their exploits on Google Maps. Do you have a map that would show approximate locations of these events and homesteads? Thank you.

      • RickSmith
      • February 21, 2020

      Hi Eric,

      If you get a copy of the physical book, there is a map in the front that shows their journeys through Florida. If you go to click on the homepage at https://alandremembered.com/, you’ll see a copy of that edition.


    • mike
    • April 18, 2021

    What a wonderful story. I normally read three or more novels a week. I spent 5 days with this book and towards the end, I spent more time reflecting, instead of reading. I’ve spent most of my 70 years here in Florida and was just mesmerized by the content. I would have loved to have met Mr. Smith. This book will be on my mind forever. Thank you!

      • RickSmith
      • April 18, 2021

      Thank you for sharing that. I’m happy that you enjoyed the novel so much.

    • Tiffany
    • July 25, 2021

    I cannot wait to dig into this book with my students! I purchased the curriculum as well, I am wondering about the song “Forever Florida” is this somewhere I could hear it so I could teach the class the song?

      • RickSmith
      • July 26, 2021

      Tiffany, I know your students will love it. As to the song, I am not aware of a song named Forever Florida. That was the name of a nature wildlife company that was inspired by my father’s book, Forever Island. There is a song I used to play during my shows called Florida Home. It is by a band called Patchwork and is available on their album on Amazon through this link https://amzn.to/3y7f3gn. Could that be the song to which you’re referring?


        • Penny Kudyba
        • October 9, 2021

        For many years I taught A LAND REMEMBERED in my eighth grade classroom. The pond apple forest was my favorite scene. Now I am seeing more about the pond apple forest online. I just purchased the graphic novel version, so I hope more Florida students will choose to read this essential history of Florida.

        Any background on the Timicuan in the swamp saying “you must go around” interests me.

          • RickSmith
          • October 9, 2021

          Thank you so much for sharing that.


    • Mike Swor
    • September 5, 2022

    I’d like to see this book made into a movie or short series. I may be able to help get it done.

      • RickSmith
      • September 6, 2022

      I’m happy to say that it is under option right now for a film. I appreciate your offer to help. Keep your fingers crossed.

    • Gary Cooper
    • October 4, 2023

    I’ve been promoting Patrick’s books for years, especially A Land Remembered, since I interviewed him for my AgNet radio network after he spoke to FL Cattlemens Assoc the year he published it.
    I also promote his video A Sense of Place, but I’m told it’s hard for people to find the video on the A Land Remembered website.
    Rick, we’ve met a few times, my divorce derailed me right in midst of my promotions of your Dad’s book and video as I had met some CA movie people right before my life took a bad turn, and I lost touch of the effort.
    Please reply and let me know how to promote the video…and if/when you get time to chat and catch up, plz call my mobile at 352-727-8371.
    Hope to hear from you sometime.
    Gary Cooper, Founder
    AgNet Media

    • blakely
    • October 10, 2023

    jk i love this book one of my favorte

    • James Dunn
    • February 13, 2024

    This is the best Book . I have purchased any copies used , and given to friends to read and to pass on for all to enjoy!!

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