A Land Remembered Movie

A Land Remembered Movie and Other News

A Land Remembered Movie

“When will A Land Remembered become a movie?”

This is THE number one question I get asked when I go on my speaking tour of Patrick Smith’s Florida Is A Land Remembered.

UPDATE on 9/12/21: I do have some exciting news. A production company has purchased the option to make a movie. Now that’s not a guarantee that it will happen. An option is simply a commitment to try to get all of the pieces together to proceed, including financing, distribution, director, etc. That typically lasts a year and during that time no other company can do the same. They can renew it after that year if they still think they can proceed, or they lose the option and another company can bid on it. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.

While we’re still awaiting an A Land Remembered movie, another of Dad’s earlier works was captured in movie form.

A Movie That WAS Made From Dad’s Novel

Angel City, one of Dad’s earlier novels, was made into a Movie of the Week television movie in 1980.

After that, it was available on VHS.

You may be able to find higher quality used VHS copies of Angel City on Amazon or eBay.

You can see a poor quality viewing on YouTube. It also looks like you may be able to purchase a version at TruTVMovies however, the quality looks poor.

Watch a short snippet of the movie below.

It also looked fairly certain that Forever Island was going into production about two years ago but alas, that project went poof. Disney at one time bought the movie rights to it but never did anything.

The publisher holds the movie rights to A Land Remembered, not the family. Many people have really pushed me to do something about getting it made but it takes a strong combination of financing, script writing, finding the right cast and crew, and securing distribution before the camera rolls and I personally don’t have any film connections.

I am just as frustrated as many of you and it always astounds me how much money is wasted producing stupid, trashy movies and yet an A Land Remembered is a movie that people are begging for and it hasn’t happened yet.

If anyone reading this has such connections, please let’s explore the possibilities. It would make so many people happy.

A Land Remembered (softbound) – Retails for $14.95


A Land Remembered (hardbound) – Retails for $21.95

It is also available as audio on iTunes and on Kindle.

Final Notes

So please, if you know a way to connect with the type of people who could make a movie of A Land Remembered happen, please share that with me.

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    • Taylor Howell
    • May 30, 2022

    We have film connections and would love to see this as a movie! Florida locals, who yearn for old Florida.

      • RickSmith
      • June 17, 2022

      Thanks for writing. It is in option right now. Keep your fingers crossed.

    • KN
    • September 17, 2023

    Could you provide status of the option – i am very interested in this option. Thank you.

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