A Land Remembered Student Edition

“The kids love the characters, the story … everything about the book.” Nancy Prizito, 4th Grade Teacher, Beachland Elementary, Vero Beach

A Land Remembered Student Edition is available in a two-volume student version. Young readers love it. We have heard from many parents and teachers that this book was just what was needed to teach a youngster the joy of reading (the kids tell us the same thing). Give your child, grandchild, niece, nephew or friend the gift of a lifelong love of reading by getting them started on a book they are sure to finish.

Volume 1 Contains Chapters 1-23.
The story continues in chapters 24-45.

In VOLUME 1, meet young Zech MacIvey, who learns to ride like the wind through the Florida scrub on Ishmael, his marshtackie horse, with his dogs, Nip and Tuck, at his side. His parents, Tobias and Emma, scratch a living from the land, gathering wild cows from the swamp and herding them across the state to market. Zech learns the ways of the land from the Seminoles, with whom his life becomes entwined as he grows into manhood.

, with the birth of Zech and Glenda’s son, Solomon, a new generation of MacIveys learns to ride horses, drive cattle, and teach rustlers a thing or two. Sol and his family earn more and more gold doubloons from cattle sales, as well as dollars from their orange groves. The invest it in buying land, once free to all, now owned and fenced and increasingly populated, until it becomes just “a land remembered”.

Sold As Complete Sets (Volumes 1 & 2) – As seen in the photo above.

Volume 1 & 2 Softbound – $17.00 

Volume 1 & 2 Hardbound – $30.00 (Only available in large quantities for classrooms)

Also Sold As Individual Volumes
Volume 1, Softbound – $9.95  (Also available on Kindle) Contains chapters 1-23.
Volume 2, Softbound – $8.95  (Also available on Kindle) Contains chapters 1-23.
Volume 1, Hardbound – $16.95  (Also available on Kindle) Contains chapters 24-45.
Volume 2, Hardbound – $16.95  (Also available on Kindle) Contains chapters 24-45. Line-Breakers-600

Be sure to check out the new Graphic Novel of A Land Remembered!

Available on Amazon and on Amazon Kindle.


A Land Remembered Student Edition With StudentsDo you teach with A Land Remembered?
Here are some great resources for you, developed by Florida teachers!

A Land Remembered Student Edition Teaching Guide

A Land Remembered Digital Teaching Guide. You get study guides with tests on all chapters of the student volumes of A Land Remembered. They are all in .pdf and .doc format and are ready for you to print out and use right away or alter to meet your needs. Includes additional activities. For grades 4 – 6.

Immediate digital download – $15 –
You will receive an email with a link to download a .zip file.

Click here to get a FREE SAMPLE STUDY GUIDE for chapters 4-6. 


Below are teaching manuals written by teachers to enhance teaching A Land RememberedThese teaching manuals are useful in teaching language arts, social studies, and science coordinated with the Sunshine State Standards of the Florida Department of Education.

A Land Remembered Goes to School – Elementary Teacher’s Manual for A Land Remembered: Student Edition

$6.00 –

It is also available on Amazon.

An elementary school teacher’s manual for using A Land Remembered to teach language arts, social studies, and science coordinated with the Sunshine State Standards of the Florida Department of Education.

Middle School Teacher Plans and Resources for A Land Remembered: Student Edition

The Middle School Teacher’s Plans and Resources is available on Amazon.

The vocabulary lists, comprehension questions, and post-reading activities for each chapter in A Land Remembered: Student Edition makes this teacher’s manual a valuable resource for middle schools using the novel A Land Remembered to explore Florida history and culture. Margaret Paschal also provides field trip ideas and other resources to further engage students.

About the author – Margaret Paschal has taught in Florida for thirty years, and has used A Land Remembered: Student Edition to teach Florida Challenges and Choices, as well as U.S. and Florida History, to middle school students at Tarpon Springs Middle School.


School & Book Club Discounts Available
Order 10 or more copies of A Land Remembered hardbound, softbound or student versions and you will automatically get 10% off the regular price.

When ordering 40 or more books total you’ll also get a free copy of Patrick Smith’s Florida, A Sense of Place DVD (a $19.95 value) in addition to the 10% discount.

We gladly accept school, library and institutional purchase orders.
For simplicity you can add items to your cart as if you were shopping online, then print the “cart” page, and email it to Rick@alandremembered.com.

Make checks payable to vendor: Patrick Smith

All Florida kids should read this book. I’m so glad my son loved history and made me read it. ~ Susan Serra, Largo, FL 


FREE Resources

Vocabulary List: Here is a very extensive vocabulary list for A Land Remembered, offered on our sister website TeachALandRemembered.com.

Student Projects: Here is a video of some cool student projects

Florida History Links 

Be sure to visit our site dedicated to teachers at TeachALandRemembered.com for more resources.


An Essay by Hailee Chattaway
A Fourth Grade Student at Eisenhower Elementary School
Clearwater, Florida

What A Land Remembered Has Taught Me

A Land Remembered has taught me to treasure the land that we’ve got, it has helped out of thinking negative and into thinking positive, and last……. This book has made me feel emotions I have never felt before. Let me tell you more!

This book has taught me to treasure the land that we’ve got. That’s my first reason why I like this book. The land that is free should be for the animals, not for hotels, condos, and mini malls. It should be only for the poor animals digging in the trash for a single scrap of food. Tobias, Zech, and Sol taught me that. The MacIvey’s are a unique, one of a kind, earth living family. I respect that 100%.

This book got me thinking less negative and more positive. That’s my second reason why I like this book. I used to think “Oh. I can’t do this,” Or “He/she is doing better than me, I suck!” Now I think more positive “I know I can!” Or “You can do it! You’re just like any other genius!”  It’s hard to think positive because my mom has three diseases, and my brother who knows a lot,  isn’t very patient with me. Sometimes I think he buys new patience at the store when he takes his time to help me! But the MacIveys NEVER gave up….So I will try my best to do the same through tough times that I endure!

This book made me feel emotions I have never felt before! This is my third and final reason why I like the book! Soloman made me as furious as a trains whistle blowing! Cutting down trees, draining rivers, building hotels where hammocks once were. When Emma, Tobias, Glenda, Nip and Tuck, Ishmael, Zech, and Sol died, I was as lonesome as a lone wolf crying in the moonlight sky waiting for an answer of another wolf. The MacIvey clan came slowly and faded away fast. Sadness, and Happiness all emotions I felt reading, A Land Remembered! A story of a family that was beloved and forgotten. For the history that went with this once read book is unexplainable.

In conclusion these are the three reasons why I adore this book, A land Remembered!  It really has taught me to treasure the land we’ve got, to stay positive, not be negative, and to feel emotions I’ve never felt before.

I am a teacher in Orange County.  I have taught A Land Remembered Student Edition to my Freshmen.  Although I am a Yankee Ohioan who always thought Ohio history was the best, A Land Remembered has given me new respect for the people who came to what is now the state of Florida. The story is told with such raw realism that even my most reluctant readers are interested. I read the story to my students because I can’t afford a class set, the story is so captivating I feel like I am telling them a personal story.

On a more personal note, As I drive through the state, I live in central Florida to visit my relatives in south Florida, I often think of the story.  It is like I am a part of the state I now call home.  Thanks to the author and your company for printing this wonderful story.

Candace B. Drake


    • Elaine Lee
    • October 12, 2014

    I first meet Patrick Smith at a FAME Conference in Orlando. I purchased a personal, signed copy of A Land Remembered and have since been hooked on his books. my husband started reading it first and he would read certain parts out loud to me and finally told him to hurry and finish so I could read it. I could not put it down once I started reading. As an Elem. Media Specialist, now retired, I purchased a copy for the collection and also the students editions, encouraged many teachers, students, friends and family to read ,”A Land Remembered”.

      • RickSmith
      • October 13, 2014


      Thanks for being such an ardent fan of this book!


    • Debra Kremp
    • November 2, 2015

    I love teaching my 8th graders about Florida History using “A Land Remembered” my only wish is that the story was on tape so that my low readers could hear and read along, thus hearing many of the Native American terms spoken correctly – just a thought – hope to see you either in Mt. Dora or Odessa! D.Kremp

  1. Reply

    I love teaching my 8th graders about Florida History using “A Land Remembered” my only wish is that the story was on tape so that my low readers could hear and read along, thus hearing many of the Native American terms spoken correctly – just a thought – hope to see you either in Mt. Dora or Odessa! D.Kremp.thanks for sharing such interesting post.

      • RickSmith
      • June 12, 2018
        • A Nony Mus
        • March 21, 2023

        … and the swear words are PLENTIFUL! I think this ol’ lady will get the kid’s version!

          • RickSmith
          • March 22, 2023

          Sounds like a good idea for you.

    • Tracy Frawley
    • April 16, 2020

    Hi, I am 4th grade teacher at a school in Martin County. We were in the middle of reading the student edition of volume 1 before we were quarantined. Is there an audio book of the student edition? I would really love to finish the book with me class. Thank you.

      • RickSmith
      • April 16, 2020

      There isn’t one for students, but the entire book is available as an Audible book. You can check it out here: https://amzn.to/2z9lwxL.

      There isn’t a lot that was changed in the student version, taking out swear words mostly.


        • Kelly
        • April 19, 2020

        I see where you say that the Audible version of the book does not include swear words. Is there a print version that takes out the swear words too? I’m concerned that some students’ families may object to some of the words used.

          • RickSmith
          • April 20, 2020


          The audible version DOES include the swear words. It’s the original book. There is a printed student version does not have those words and there are some other minor changes to it. It also is split into 2 versions so to read the entire book, you need both volumes. You can find that version on this page above.


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