Here is Where the A Land Remembered Show Will be in February and March 2018

My A Land Remembered Multimedia Show is coming again to Florida in February and March 2018. I would love to see you at one of the shows.

The following is my schedule of shows that are open to the public. Be sure to click on the venue’s link to get times, ticketing information, addresses and other details about a specific show.

Interested in Florida history? Check out these other books.

In my fun, fast-paced and entertaining multi-media presentation, you’ll not only learn about A Land Remembered and the Florida of yesterday, you’ll discover what led my father, Patrick Smith, to write not only this book but also about the other books that were important steps in his writing career.

This is the best possible way to meet the author and understand his work more deeply as I take the stage and share the extraordinary experiences that enabled him to write such unforgettable stories about the “river rats” of Mississippi (The River is Home), the Seminoles of South Florida (Forever Island and Allapattah), the plight of migrant workers (Angel City) and ultimately, the pioneers so accurately portrayed in A Land Remembered.

A Land Remembered Show Schedule for 2018

 2/23/18  5:00 pm  IMAG Museum, Fort Myers [FEE]
 3/1/18  5:00 pm  Forest Park United Methodist Church, Panama City
 3/3/18  2:00 pm
4:00 pm
 Pioneer Park, Zolfo Springs [FEE]
 3/8/18  1:00 pm  North Lake Presbyterian Church, Lady Lake [Donation]
 3/8/18  6:00 pm  Bruton Memorial Library, Plant City
 3/14/18  5:00 pm  The Elliott Museum, Stuart [FEE]
 3/20/18  3:00 pm  Avon Park Library, Avon Park
 3/21/18  2:00 pm  Leesburg LibraryLeesburg
 3/22/18  6:00 pm  Brannon Center, New Smyrna Beach [FEE]
 3/23/18  7:00 pm  Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, Ponte Vedra [FEE]
 3/28/18  7:00 pm  St James Civic Center, St James City [FEE]

I love taking this show on the road and audiences all over Florida have raved about my show. I hope to meet you along the way this February and March.

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Just Discovered! Notes From The Book A Land Remembered Found!

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The Beginning Civil Rights Movement
All Patrick Smith Books

This Story About the Civil Rights Movement Had to be Told


  1. Reply

    At the above site it is noted that you will offer “A Land Remembered” in Zolfo Springs on 3/4/18
    at Pioneer Park. On the event site it is noted that the event is from March 1-3 and that you
    are scheduled to be at the Pool Pavillion at 3/3/18.
    I plan to drive from Bradenton which is over 50 miles and want to make sure that I am
    able to attend your event. Please let me know the date you will be there and if I can
    get tickets in advance.
    Many thanks and I look forward to hearing Mr. Smith in Zolfo Springs.
    Cheryl Spitzer

      • RickSmith
      • January 29, 2018


      Good catch! Yes, I am speaking on March 3 (Saturday) at 2 pm and again at 4 pm. You can find more information at the Pioneer Park Days event page


    • Cheryl Vogel
    • January 26, 2018

    I thought I had a scheduled speaking date set for Country Club Estates in Venice, FL on March 11. I don’t see it on your schedule and I have not heard anything. Please let me know if we are still scheduled.

      • RickSmith
      • January 29, 2018


      This is our list of public performances. We are scheduled on March 11 to speak at the Country Club Estates. Rick

    • Russ Mathis
    • February 13, 2018

    Your schedule shows Panama City for 3/2. My ticket shows your presentation for 3/1. Please advise.

      • RickSmith
      • February 13, 2018


      Oops. Your ticket is right. I have corrected the schedule to March 1. Thanks for letting me know my error. Rick

    • Mary
    • February 13, 2018

    When are you coming to Tampa? If you are not, where is the closest location?

      • RickSmith
      • February 13, 2018


      We have no plans to present in Tampa on this tour. The closest public shows to Tampa will be at the Pioneer Park Days in Zolfo Springs on March 3 and at Plant City at the Library on March 8th at 7 pm. Rick

    • Lynn Vernon
    • February 13, 2018

    Rick will you be in Florida in April? If so, will you be back in the Jacksonville, Orange Park area?

    I see your date for Ponte Vedra on March 23rd………….

      • RickSmith
      • February 13, 2018

      Hi Lynn,

      No, my last show will be a private one on March 29th in St. Pete. I don’t know if I’m playing any more talks for this year but I am for March 2019. Rick

    • Aren't you coming to Boynton Beach on March 15th?
    • February 13, 2018

    5590 Royal Lake Circle

      • RickSmith
      • February 13, 2018

      Yes, I’m coming to Coral Lakes Association at 12751 El Clair Ranch Road in Boynton Beach at 7 PM on March 15.

        • RickSmith
        • February 13, 2018

        It is a private event for the Coral Lakes Association. I only included the public shows to the schedule in my blog.

  2. Reply

    Rick Smith’s #ALandRememberedMultimediaShow is a #MustSee Event! And I’m still enjoying the Complete Set of Books I purchased at the Anderson-Price Building in Ormond Beach in ‘16.

      • RickSmith
      • February 14, 2018

      Thanks for the great endorsement, Lew! Glad you’re enjoying the books. Rick

    • Judy McMeekin
    • March 26, 2018

    I have read the wonderful A Land Remembere, just a few times, and absolutely love it. I have given it as gifts to several friends.
    I am just now finding out about your February and March 2018 speaking tour and I am so upset I missed all of your engagements.
    I would have driven the length and or width of Florida to be able to attend just one of them.
    Today is March 26th, 2018. I’ve missed them all.
    Will you be back soon??
    I certainly would like to know your future speaking dates.
    Thank you.
    Judy McMeekin

      • RickSmith
      • March 26, 2018

      Hi Judy,

      I do have one more public show on March 28 at 7pm in St. James City at the St. James Civic Center. The ticket is $20. I will also be on tour again in March 2019.

      Thanks for your passion about A Land Remembered.


        • Stanley Orons
        • April 15, 2018

        Dear Mr. Smith –

        I just read the book and of course loved it and consider it now on a par with my two favorite historical novels – “Centennial” by Michener and “Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follet. I would love to be on a notification list for your next appearances on tour and will you be in the Fort Myers/Naples area? I would be very anxious to attend.

        Sincerely –

        Stanley Orons, D.O.

          • RickSmith
          • April 15, 2018

          Just keep checking the schedule on this website. The next tour schedule will be in March 2019. Thanks for your post.

            • Ken Lewis
            • April 10, 2019

            Hi Rick,
            I read your dad’s book, A Land Remembered, a few months ago. I’m just now reading Ken Follet’s, Pillars of the Earth for the first time. Your dad published his book in 1984. Follet writes in his preface to Pillars that he started the book 10 years before he finished it in 1989. He says he began with only an outline, set it aside for many years with no work on it, then commenced two years of working in earnest on it from 1987-89. The story line of Pillars is strikingly similar to your dad’s book. Follet was a thriller writer and admits in his preface that many people, including himself, doubted his ability to write a historical novel. Did your dad ever suggest that Follet may have “borrowed” something from ALR? I loved A Land Remembered and I’m enjoying Pillars of the Earth. Maybe it is just the proximity of time between when I read them each or maybe it is simply common threads of storytelling and building tension. But, there sure are similar themes, action and characters.

            I’m sure I’d enjoy coming to one of your ALR presentations so please put me on a notification list for the next time you’ll be doing it.

            • RickSmith
            • April 11, 2019

            Dad never mentioned anything about that to me. I haven’t read Pillars of the Earth. Now I’m curious to read it.

            Thanks for writing. I hope you can make a show in the future.


    • Chris Horder
    • June 11, 2018

    We are in the process of setting up a Restuarant and are considering a ‘Land Remembered’ theme.
    We are in Palm Coast and have Scottish roots.
    Perhaps a Book Signing event with a Themed Dinner to accompany it.
    Let me know what you think?

    Chris Horder

      • RickSmith
      • June 12, 2018

      Hi Chris. If you want to do a book signing you’ll have to wait until next March when I’m in Florida on a speaking tour. I live in California.

      I think it would be fine to use the theme of A Land Remembered, but not the actual name, without a licensing agreement. There is already an A Land Remembered restaurant. I would be delighted to visit next time I’m in the area.

      Best Wishes,
      Rick Smith (Patrick D. Smith, Jr.)

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Closed April 7 - 30