Patrick Smith’s Florida Is A Land Remembered


Hi, I’m Rick Smith. Audiences all over Florida have raved about my show about my father, Patrick  D. Smith, and his beloved books, especially A Land Remembered. I call it Patrick Smith’s Florida Is A Land Remembered.

Here’s the bad news: After the covid pandemic put a damper on my tours, and considering my own changing goals in life, I have put the project on hold. I may consider a few very select shows. I have to travel from where I live in California and in all honestly, they will be much more expensive than in the past. If you are seriously interested you can contact me at

A Land Remembered is a key theme of my show, but in order to understand what led him to write this book, l also talk about the other books that were important steps in my father’s writing career. In my opinion, every one of them is a gem and Patrick Smith’s Florida Is A Land Remembered is the best possible way to meet the author and understand his work more deeply as I take the stage with this multimedia show about him and the extraordinary experiences that enabled him to write such unforgettable stories about the “river rats” of Mississippi, the Seminoles of South Florida, the plight of migrant workers and ultimately, the pioneers so accurately portrayed in A Land Remembered.

I don’t do this show alone. Patrick Smith makes video appearances throughout the program to entertain and enlighten you Florida Author Patrick D. Smithabout his extraordinary life as a writer and his thoughts about Florida. Here are a few of the topics I cover:

• He’ll explain things such as how his first Florida book, Forever Island, gained him international attention and resulted in two trips to the USSR and a nomination for a Pulitzer Prize in Literature. This was a crucial step in his writing career and actually inspired him to write a true chronicle of that trip to the USSR.

• You’ll learn how he researched A Land Remembered for over two years before he could write it.

• He’ll share his thoughts about the “real” Florida.

• See how seemingly random events play into Patrick Smith’s books.

• You’ll travel with him on an amazing trip through Florida in 1933.

This show is a sensory delight incorporating video clips, photos, paintings, music, sound effects, and a few jokes to transport you to another place and time, all the while I’m narrating it live. In fact, there are over 50 videos in the show, along with some pretty amazing special effects, sound effects, music, and more. I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like it. I leave time to answer questions and will happily sign your books (even though my Dad wrote them, I’m Patrick D. Smith Jr.) Come and enjoy an unforgettable experience that we share together.

Here are links to a few samples of videos I use in the show to introduce some of Dad’s less well-known books: Here is a video I created to introduce people to The Last Ride.  This one introduces The Seas That Mourn. This one introduces The River is Home.

Scenes From Patrick Smith's Florida Is A Land Remembered


    • Susan Roberts
    • September 10, 2014

    Very interested in your tour. Couldn’t get “tell
    Me” link to work. Please let me know if you’re in Tampa or Merritt island. I graduated Merritt island HS. Love your dad’s books.

      • RickSmith
      • October 13, 2014

      Hi Susan,

      I’ll be in Tampa on October 13 SouthShore library in Ruskin at 4pm, New Tampa Regional Library on October 15 at 3pm, Countryside Library in Clearwater at 2:30pm on October 30, in Odessa at CeeBee’s Citrus event on November 15th at 11am, and then at Jan Platt Regional Library on November 16 at 3pm. I will also be speaking at the Cocoa Library on November 1st at 2:30pm. Hope you can make it to one of these shows!

        • CR
        • March 26, 2019

        Will you be in Jacksonville or St. Augustine area?

          • RickSmith
          • March 27, 2019

          We won’t be near either place this time around. Today we’re in Leesburg, tomorrow it’s up to Marianna, then Blountstown, then Bonifay. Next week we’ll be in Lake Worth on Tuesday, and Sebastian the following day.

          You can view the schedule here:


            • Janice Driggers
            • September 14, 2021

            Sure hope you can continue presenting your father’s books. We need to keep history alive for future generations. We met you and your wife in Plant City, Florida at the old high school. We had already all of your father’s books but bought the whole set that you had signed. You do such a great presentation and we want to keep it going !!!!

            • RickSmith
            • September 16, 2021


            Thank you for all of your support. Nothing is written in stone but as of now, I don’t have any presentations planned after the ones I am doing in September which you can find out about here:

            I will continue promoting my father’s legacy in other ways. There is some positive movement towards making A Land Remembered AND Forever Island into movies. Stay tuned!


        • Roberta Tajak
        • July 27, 2021

        Interested in attending in September 2021.

          • RickSmith
          • September 8, 2021


          Here are links to information about the 2 events I will be having: In Kissimmee – and in Winter Garden –

      • Lucille Espey-Francis
      • October 2, 2023

      I was going to use your book club questions. Are they no longer available? May I have them?

        • RickSmith
        • January 15, 2024

        Did you find the link to sign up for the book club questions? If not, you can find it on this page –

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Rick

    • Sherry Cook
    • October 13, 2014

    Are you going to be in Gainesville? If so, when and where?

      • RickSmith
      • October 14, 2014

      We won’t be in Gainesville during 2014 but we will be on March 1st for a Writer’s Group. I don’t know if that will be open to the public. We are still in the process of lining up our tour schedule in January and March so we may very well be in that area again. I’ve put you on my list to get the schedules.


      • Patti Muzzonigro
      • March 31, 2019

      Will you be in Naples ? Thanks !

        • RickSmith
        • April 1, 2019

        No, we aren’t going to be in Naples this time around. Check back later this year to see what the schedule will be later this year and into next. Rick

    • Lisa
    • November 2, 2014

    I JUST MISSED your show yesterday here in Brevard! I can’t believe I missed it 🙁 When will you back to this area?

      • RickSmith
      • November 2, 2014

      So sorry you missed it Lisa. We had a great crowd. I will be in Sebastian on November 5, 2015 at 5:30 at the North Indian River County Library and at the Cape Canaveral Library on March 19 at 2:00 PM. Hope you can make one of those.


    • Lynn Vernon
    • November 20, 2014

    Rick…………I know you are planning to be at the Jacksonville Main Library sometime in 2015. Can you please refresh my memory as to the date and time?

    Thank you,


      • RickSmith
      • November 21, 2014

      Sorry Lynn … I was just there three days ago! At this time I don’t have any more bookings in Jacksonville, but would love to return.

    • Nicole Larson
    • December 16, 2014

    Our 4th students, in an Orlando elementary school, just finished reading A Land Remembered and LOVED it. Will you be in and around Orlando in the coming months?

      • RickSmith
      • December 28, 2014


      I sent you a message to let you know when I will be in the Orlando area in January and in March. Were you interested in having me at your school? I have a special school version of my show.


        • Nicole Larson
        • January 5, 2015

        Hi Rick,
        I see that you we will in the Orlando area in January and March and would still be very interested in having our students listen to your show. Could you please email me with the specifics/ ideas/ etc?

          • RickSmith
          • January 7, 2015

          Hi Nicole,

          I tried to email you but it bounced.

          I will be on tour again in January and March. I will definitely be in Orlando on March 14, a Saturday. I do school visits and could work you school in on the 13th. I do, however, require a speaking fee. I’m on the road continually when on tour and have to cover travel and hotel bills, etc. I ask $500 from schools. The good news is that I’m on the Florida Humanities Council’s Speakers Bureau. Click here for details >> << and you may be able to get funding from them. I'm also in Winter Park on March 5 and as of now have the day before and the day after open. I have an A Land Remembered show tailored to 4th grade students. I hope this is helpful. Please contact me with question. Rick

  1. Reply

    Just a reminder that your Wednesday, January 28, appearance in LaBelle will be in the 254 seat LaBelle High School Auditorium at 4050 E Cowboy Way, LaBelle 33935 & not at LaBelle Heritage museum itself. Your A Land Remembered Media Tour is the final admission free special speaker program in a two year Neighborhood Grant from the Florida Humanities Council that brings programs not usually available to small communities like LaBelle. Clewiston Museum, where you will present your program on Thursday, January 29, applied for and received this special Florida Humanities Council grant and invited the smaller LaBelle Heritage Museum to collaborate in scheduling 8 special programs over two years starting in Fall 2013.

      • RickSmith
      • January 8, 2015

      I’m proud to be there and to be part of the Neighborhood Grant program!

  2. Reply

    Just a reminder that your Wednesday, January 28, appearance in LaBelle will be in the 254 seat LaBelle High School Auditorium at 4050 E Cowboy Way, LaBelle 33935 & not at LaBelle Heritage museum itself. Your A Land Remembered Media Tour is the final admission free special speaker program in a two year Neighborhood Grant from the Florida Humanities Council that brings programs not usually available to small communities like LaBelle. Clewiston Museum, where you will present your program on Thursday, January 29, applied for and received this special Florida Humanities Council grant and invited the smaller LaBelle Heritage Museum to collaborate in scheduling 8 special programs over two years starting in Fall 2013.

    • Leslie Duncan
    • February 11, 2015

    Just wondering if you’ll be in or near Vero Beach area anytime soon. We would love to see your presentation! My husband is a huge fan!! I actually got to go to one of your father’s lectures at the Vero Beach Book Center and he was awesome. I got a book signed by your Dad for my husband as a Christmas gift that year.
    Thanks so much!

      • RickSmith
      • February 11, 2015

      I think the closest I will be to Vero Beach is at Indiantown at the Elisabeth Lahti Library on March 21st at 3pm. I may pick up another one or two places so check the calendar at to get a good idea of where I’ll be and when.

      • RickSmith
      • February 16, 2015

      Leslie I don’t have any bookings in Vero Beach in March, 2015 but I will be at the Cape Canaveral Public Library on March 19 at 2:00 PM. I’ll also be at Indiantown at the Elisabeth Lahti Library on March 21 at 3:00 PM.

    • Deeanna Comingore
    • October 3, 2015

    I noted from your responses to Lynn in November of last year that you would be in Sebastian on November 5 at 5:30 PM, yet our book club was looking forward to hearing you at 5 PM that same night, Nov. 5, 2015, at the Largo Library. Did Sebastian cancel and Largo rebook? You are listed on Largo’s event calendar.

      • RickSmith
      • October 4, 2015

      Hello Deanna,

      As you noted, I will be in Largo on November 5, 2015. I was in Sebastian last year (2014), but not again in the current tour.

      With Best Wishes,
      Rick Smith

    • Carla Racine
    • October 19, 2017

    I love your father’s books! When are your next engagements?

    I don’t have a venue to sponsor you, but would love to attend one and recommend to friends!

    Let me know.

    Carla Racine

      • RickSmith
      • October 20, 2017

      You can see the November schedule at March is still filling up.

      Thanks for your interest.

    • MaryBeth Croome
    • January 17, 2020

    How can I sign up to attend the Anna Maria talk?

    • Lori
    • February 7, 2020

    We absolutely cannot wait to see you tomorrow! My son was 11 when, I think it was Matthew, that came through. We were out of power and he complained about not having his xbox. I asked him to read A Land Remembered so that he’d better appreciate what luxuries we have. At age 11 he devoured the book. It gave him such an eye opening appreciation of his life in Florida. Now, at age 14, he’s thrilled for this presentation. Thank you for giving me, a Florida native and Florida Master Naturalist, something to share with him outside of his xbox and teen angst. This means the world to me and I can’t wait to share this experience with my son. See you tomorrow!!!

    • Julie Judson
    • September 5, 2023

    I listen to Rick several years ago and enjoyed his presentation regarding his father. The DVD a sense of plac, is that a recording of that same presentation that I saw? Let me know I would like to order the DVD if it is. I’ll have to say Alan remembered as one of my top favorite books. I bought one for my son to read it took him a year to finally open it, and when he opened it, he couldn’t put it down. I also got one for my brother-in-law, and it was the same story. Attached is my email. Please let me know about the DVD. Thank you in advance.

      • RickSmith
      • January 15, 2024

      Julie, I’m so sorry if I didn’t reply to you regarding the DVD. It isn’t the presentation I put on but all of the clips where my dad was on camera were taken from that DVD. I’m glad you enjoyed my show. Rick

    • Julie Judson
    • September 5, 2023

    I listened to Rick several years ago and enjoyed his presentation regarding his father. The DVD a sense of place, is that a recording of that same presentation that I saw? Let me know I would like to order the DVD if it is. I’ll have to say Alan remembered as one of my top favorite books. I bought one for my son to read it took him a year to finally open it, and when he opened it, he couldn’t put it down. I also got one for my brother-in-law, and it was the same story. Attached is my email. Please let me know about the DVD. Thank you in advance.

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